Children & Youth Faith Formation
is the lifelong process of growing in RELATIONSHIP with God, SELF, others, and all creation. Every Experience in life can Provide opportunities to explore, deepen, and express our faith; the challenge is recognizing these OPPORTUNITIES and learning ways to live a sometimes COUNTER-CULTURAL life in a secular world.
Sunday Faith Formation
Each week during the academic year (September through June) we offer robust classes for Children and Youth to help them live into their faith. These classes take place during our Formation Hour (9am-10am) in the Parish House.
To register your child for Christian Formation fill out this form.
StoryMakers (K-5)
We use a curriculum called StoryMakers which uses art and imagination as the entry point to the ancient, living, and ultimate story found in the Bible.
StoryMakers (6-12)
StoryMakers for grades 6-12 uses art and imagination to explore the teachings of the church, what it means to be a faithful Christian and how to understand how our inner emotional and spiritual lives work.
Confirmation Preparation
We offer a program of preparation for Confirmation each year. Youth interested in confirmation participate in StoryMakers (6-12) each week. Once a month those preparing for Confirmation meet in a separate class during the Formation Hour to undertake particular preparation for Confirmation. If you are interested in enrolling your child in Confirmation Preparation please contact Fr. Neil (
Communion Classes
For parents who want additional instruction for their children around the Sacraments of the Church we offer a class that focuses on Holy Eucharist each year in the Spring. This year (2024-2025) the class will begin on February 23. It is our expectation that children participating in this class will participate in StoryMakers during the rest of the year. If you are interested in having your child participate in this class contact Fr. Neil (
Story Time
We are currently having Story Time for children during our coffee hour after the 10 am service. We use books which are theologically appropriate for the season in the church. If you are interested in joining the group, just meet us in the parlor after the service. If you are interested in reading stories, please contact and we will get you in touch with the ministry leader. If you would like to purchase or donate books to include in the library, you can contact for recommendations.
Faith at Home
We believe that all formation as Christians begins in worship. As people of common prayer, we hold true to the belief that praying shapes believing. We invite you to worship with us, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the lectionary readings.
If you are looking for tools to use in your own home with young children consider using the Devotionals for Individuals and Families in the Book of Common Prayer found here