Wardens and Vestry
The Vestry is the elected governing board of Grace Church. Its members provide a vision for our life together. They oversee resource development, facilities, and finances in support of the mission of our church.
The Senior Warden is the liaison between the congregation and the Rector. The Junior Warden is responsible for Grace Church’s property and buildings. To reach members of the Vestry please email the church office office@gracehaddon.org
Rector: The Reverend Neil K. Raman
Senior Warden: Tom Westerfield - sr-warden@gracehaddon.org
Junior Warden: Michael Guerriero - jr-warden@gracehaddon.org
Clerk: Amy Watts
Class Expiring 1/2025
Susan Briant
Suzanne Maxymuk
William Sweeney
Class Expiring 1/2026
John Poliero
Chris Strasser
Amy Watts
Class Expiring 1/2027
Tony Scarpaci
Bethann Flagg
Lynn Irving
Treasurer: Karen Marshall
Assistant Treasurer: Al Schmidt
Financial Secretary: Darlene Haines
Vestry Minutes