Grace Chorister Program
Do you know a child who loves to sing? Any child age
6 1/2 - 12 is welcome to sign up for our chorister program!
Chorister Program FAQs
Who directs the choir?
Diane Caruso received her Bachelor of Music degree from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and her Master of Music degree from Westminster Choir College. She became the Director of Music Grace Church in 2019. Diane has been on the Board of Directors of the Royal School of Church Music in America and is a member of the Association of Anglican Musicians, where she was also on the Board of Directors. When time permits, Diane enjoys reading, gardening, baking, sewing, and restoring her 127 year-old home in Riverton, NJ, where she lives with her husband Jim.
Who can join?
All children between the ages of 6 1/2 and 12 are eligible to join. Teens are encouraged to reach out to Diane Caruso ( directly for opportunities to help build an older division of the Choristers alongside the Watkins Choral Scholarship.
Do we have to join Grace Church for my child to be in the choir?
No! We do not ask any choir member to be a member of the Episcopal Church or even subscribe to any particular faith, unless you choose to inquire further. We do ask that choir members participate by singing in the services, which enables others to worship. All who come through our doors are welcome in whatever capacity or need they bring.
What is the time commitment?
Wednesday practice, Wednesday performance, 4 PM - 6 PM inclusive of both practice and performance. Only 4-5 Sunday appearances, as well as occasional holiday services, cleared with families in advance.
What will the choir be doing?
All children in the choir will begin reading music right away and will learn to develop a healthy singing voice through vocal exercises and training. They learn to read music quickly and understand what they are singing. They receive professional training in the fundamentals of music, including sight-reading, ear-training, and music theory. Most often, fun comes directly from mastering challenging repertoire, so we dive right in at the deep end with music by great masters of the choral art.
We are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in England, and the program of instruction is comparable to places like Washington National Cathedral. Through our rehearsals and performing, students also gain valuable spiritual development and learn about their faith and our Anglican tradition and liturgy.
Students also learn important 21st century skills like teamwork, character, resilience and grit, and executive functioning.
Where will the choir sing?
Our weekly rehearsals and training will take place on the third floor of the Grace Parish House - the big square building off of the Patco parking lot, and behind the church. It’s an open, safe space with good ventilation and easily observable. Most performances will take place in the main worship space of Grace Church, unless we are traveling.
Tell me more about when the choir practices and performs?
We will start practices at 4 PM every Wednesday, take a small snack break, and conclude with the service of Choral Evensong at 5:15 PM in Grace Church, ending at 6 PM. Any Sunday morning commitment on the calendar will begin at 9:00 AM and end at 11:30 AM. There may be up to 4 Sunday afternoon commitments during a school year, but these will be communicated at the beginning of the year, and cleared with families. A schedule is given out at the beginning of the year.
What is Choral Evensong?
It’s a service that largely began in the English Cathedrals with boy choirs, and now done all over the world by many Christian traditions and denominations and people. It lasts just over half an hour and is usually sung entirely by the choir. The choir will also sing for scheduled services on some Sunday mornings at Grace Church, and other scheduled travel times to be determined. A full schedule and Handbook will be given out to all who enroll.
Why join?
Choristers develop skills that last a lifetime and help them in other aspects of their lives. They also tend to bond together and to develop meaningful and lasting friendships. Many also develop a love of service to their communities. Their confidence increases, and there is convincing evidence those who sing in choirs have less anxiety, and even better grades.
What is the cost?
We believe in value, not tuition. Every Chorister in the choir receives a full musical education from a professional staff. Families may be asked to occasionally provide for extra travel expenses, and occasional offerings of snacks or pizza are always welcome!